MINDSET and the POWERFUL word that will CHANGE IT.

The dictionary defines MINDSET as;

The established set of attitudes held by someone.

However, I’ve been doing some mindset work of my own of late and am challenging part of that definition… the use of the word ‘established’.

You see, that word…..ESTABLISHED…..conjures up feelings of permanence and stability. Possibly even something that can’t be changed.

Yet, I believe that mindset is infinitely changeable. All you need is to understand how and why.

To help with that, take a look at Dr Carol Dweck’s book, appropriately titled….Mindset.

Why change your mindset?

Here’s the thing, even before I read the book, I was a HUGE advocate of manifestation.

Manifestation is the belief that, by trusting in the universe to provide you with what you believe you deserve, you will receive what you truly deserve.

The reason I hold that belief is that I see it EVERY….SINGLE….DAY!

When I work with clients, like you, I see people who either achieve, OR are held back, by their inner belief of what they are worth.

So, here’s the magic. Changing your mindset can quite literally, change your life!

Of course, that’s all very easy to say, but can be much harder to do, consistently, for the rest of your life.

Do you need to change your mindset?

This is the time for you to be brutally honest with yourself. Because if you’re quite happy as you are and you don’t yearn for anything to change, then maybe you don’t need to bother.

IF, however, you have imposter syndrome, have feelings of anxiousness (anxiety), feel a pressure to ‘live up’ to people’s expectations of you, feel that you are constantly being judged for who you are, then maybe there’s some work to do to make ‘being you’ feel more comfortable and fulfilling.

The truth is, we are all a work in progress. With investment in areas of our lives that we want to improve, it’s all there for the taking.

Dr Dweck talks about ‘fixed’ and ‘growth’ mindset.

With a fixed mindset, you would typically think that you are what you are and it’s set in stone. All your traits are fixed, they are part of you and as such, you just have to live your life accommodating them.

In absolute contrast, a growth mindset would see you fostering the belief that you are infinitely capable of improving any of those traits with time and effort……investing in yourself, to do so.

 To use an example from the book, do toddlers give up learning to walk the second they stumble?

No. They carry on practising and learning until they are brilliant at walking, running and (often to their parents’ horror) climbing…. or any other skills they weren’t born with.

Why? Because they see the people around them doing all this amazing stuff and they want to do it too. So, they invest bumps and grazes and time and energy to learn.

We are, quite literally, born with a growth mindset. Yet somewhere along the way, for some of us, we lose it.

Imagine for one moment rediscovering your growth mindset….How far could it take you….Infinity & Beyond????

Right NOW….would you like to learn one word to begin your improved mindset journey???


The word is…….YET…

 Such a short word but so full of power and potential!

Whatever ‘IT’ is that you want to be better at, try adding the word ‘yet’ to any negative statements you make about the skill, trait or knowledge.

 I can’t cook becomes so much more positive when you add YET.

 I don’t know how to be a good parent, is instantly transformed with YET.

 I don’t know how to communicate with my teenager………..You’ve got it – YET.

 I don’t understand business finances……. YET.


Now here’s the thing, YET, just gives you pause to consider WHAT you now need to DO to achieve it; THEN add words like PERSEVERANCE and CONSISTENCY


SELF-SABOTAGE and the things you can do to stop it!


Bringing People Back to work